A Time Of Transition


MARKETING newspaper—and now MarketingNW.com—have built and sustained our Seattle marcomm community over the past 34 years, and we want to continue providing the kind of content and commentaries community members simply can’t find anywhere else.

The majority of comments from our recent survey said, in effect—“Thanks for keeping me in touch with our Seattle marcomm community over these many years.” We intend to continue doing just that—with your support—and have incorporated it into our new tagline.

We’re also adding a fifth regular contributor to an already star-studded lineup that includes Ted Leonhardt, Rick Stanton, Pat Cashman and Don Riggs. The newest addition is former Seattle City Councilperson, daily newspaper columnist and author, Jean Godden, whose column will debut on April 28! We call them our “Fab Five.”

The survey also showed majority approval for moving from an advertising to a subscription revenue model. However, rather than make the fee mandatory (i.e., a paywall blocking non-subscribers) at some point, we’re going to keep the subscriptions voluntary, with a special incentive to be among the early subscribers.

The suggested subscription prices ranged from a high of $500 to a low of $25, with $100 being the most popular recommendation. We opted for the $100 price.

Be among the first 250 to subscribe, and you will receive:

  • “Lifetime” Charter-Subscriber status—meaning you never need to renew!
  • Listing on the Subscriber Scroll, with a link to your website.
  • Access to the Subscriber Message Board that is under construction. [Post any message of 100 words or fewer any time]
  • Priority posting of editorial content you provide.

Results of the most-recent survey, dealing with marcomm-community changes since 2018, also will be reported next week. There’s still time to respond to the survey, if you haven’t already.

In this time of transition, we’re going to redouble our efforts to get marcomm community members—especially subscribers—to contribute articles and news items that were the lifeblood of MARKETING newspaper from 1987 to 2017.

Thanks for your consideration of becoming a Charter Subscriber.

—Larry & Melissa Vail Coffman

Lifetime Subscription, $100

P.S. Note the new “flag” that incorporates the tagline—“Keeping you in touch…”—beneath the iconic MARKETING newspaper logo. It’s the successor to our tagline of many years: “Your business connection…”

The first Charter Subscriber to the marketingnw.com website is Steve (Friendly Voice) Lawson!

I learned that Steve, an icon of audio post-production and an outstanding voice talent, has moved from his Issaquah condo to Bonney Lake. In Issaquah, he had my all-time favorite address—9 Shy Bear Way! And in Bonney Lake, Steve informs me, he lives in the only Trilogy development in Washington State without a golf course, but he does have a commanding view of Mt. Rainier.

“We’ll be among the first to watch her blow. I’ll be happy to do on-the-scene reporting for any broadcast-news organization that asks—should I survive the blast,” Steve quipped.

Jacque Beamer of BrandQuery, Don Morgan of GMA Research, Paul Casey, host of the Voices of Experience radio show, and Josh Dunn, owner/publisher of Premier Media—all leading members of the Seattle marcomm community—were the next four to sign up, in quick succession.

Thanks to all!



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