Stanton On…Hate


By Rick Stanton

I have detractors who rear up whenever I deviate from the topics of advertising, marketing and design—so you’re forewarned, both of you…

In my years on the planet, beginning with Dwight Eisenhower as the first president I remember, I’ve never been totally embarrassed by one—until now. (Nixon was a close second, however.)

The most recent developments (pipe bombs to liberals, mass murder at a synagogue and the Saudi murder of a U.S. journalist) speak volumes about the effect Trump’s words are having on our country and the world.

I had to laugh at his comments after the murders in Pittsburgh: “It’s a terrible, terrible thing, what’s going on with the hate in our country and frankly all over the world.” Really?

Due to Trump’s utter lack of common sense, ability to self-edit and shortage of intellect, he’s unable to understand that he’s responsible for enabling much of the hatred we’re experiencing here and around the world. White supremacists now feel free to come out of the shadows. Remember this one after Charlottesville? “You also had some very fine people on both sides.” Really?

As I’ve stated several times to the deaf ears of my two detractors, this is not about Republican vs. Democrats, although it’s beginning to feel like it more and more. This is about having an idiot in the White House whose hatred for any number of people, and whose daily—sometime hourly—bullying are tearing us apart. (I find it sadly ironic that Melania is behind an anti-bullying initiative.)

Aside from those two detractors, I have friends and associates I’ve known for decades who won’t talk to me or return emails because I have the audacity to find these Trump-times dangerous, depressing and deranged. When you see the people at his rallies and listen to them talk, you get a pretty good idea where the roots of the book “Hillbilly Elegy” lie.

If you voted for Trump, I somewhat get it. If you still think he represents our country and its values and norms, I don’t get it. I believe there are many who voted for him who are too embarrassed and too invested to admit they screwed the pooch on their choice. I feel sorry for you, but I feel more sorry for the rest of us.

If you haven’t read Bob Woodward’s book “Fear. Trump in the White House,” I urge you to do so. Woodward, a highly respected veteran reporter, knows something about reprehensible characters and the presidency (see Watergate).

The Democrats made a huge mistake when they trotted out Hillary—the poster girl for baggage. I can only hope someone surfaces soon as a legitimate option to the current madness.






  1. Excellent assessment Rick. I too have lost some friends by expressing my views on the dangers we face because of Donald Trump. But obviously they weren’t friends in the first place.

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