Stanton On…Democrats


By Rick Stanton

This is going to be a short column.

Former presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg said one of the few intelligent things that has come from the Democratic debates: the winner has been Donald Trump.

It’s embarrassing listening to these adults acting like nine-year-olds on a playground.

The bickering is deafening.

Someone needs to tell them to provide some concrete information so voters can make an informed decision.

Someone needs to tell them how to act presidential.

Someone needs to remind them that manners and decorum matter.

As I have said many times when I write about politics and the effect they have on our culture, I am a fiscal conservative and a social moderate.

I am not a screaming leftist.

To that fact, someone needs to tell the Democratic Party that, if they nominate Bernie Sanders, you can count on four more years of Trump.

God help us all.



  1. Spot on Mr. Stanton! Bernie is the flip side of the Trump coin; angry middle class Americans who feel like they have been left out and left behind. Bernie’s election will most certainly give four more unforgivable, unbelievable and uncontrollable years. UNLESS: by some miracle the Dems are able to take back control of the Senate and hold the House of Representatives. Otherwise, only continued chaos will ensue.

    It was my fervent hope when this D marathon began that some combination of Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand or Amy Klobuchar would be strong enough to outpace and perhaps even outlive the cluster of old white men. But, alas, it is still not to be in a country that cannot even get the Equal Rights Amendment passed after its initial introduction to Congress in December of 1923. It is still amazingly difficult for doddering old white men to pay anything other than lip service to equality of all humans. At least the composition and diversity of the elected democrats keeps getting closer.

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