Newsmakers: ShiftIUp—New Strategic-Change Agency


By Eben Tobias Greene

Change happens—by choice or by chance. Proactive or reactive, small tweaks or profound shifts—every business must adapt to survive and grow, especially right now.

As my Seattle-based branding and marketing agency helped all kinds of companies create and communicate change over the past 25 years, my team and I came to recognize a common theme. Whether a client came to us seeking a new brand, a new website or a new messaging strategy, it almost always meant that some internal or external shift had happened—or needed to happen.

Sometimes, clients were aware that they needed to confront change. Sometimes we helped them discover it together, as we guided them through our process. While the creative service they sought was usually needed, it wasn’t always the solution to the root problem.

These changes have taken all shapes and sizes: staffing agencies responding to a changing labor market; local retail institutions responding to new competitors; major reorganizations and rebrands; even conflicting visions of where a company was headed.

After years of observing the impact of disengaged employees, neglected brands and leadership teams struggling to find a clear path forward, I gradually reinvented my traditional agency to focus on aligning internal cultures, while crafting brand-powered marketing solutions. Here they are:

Today, I’m excited to announce the result of this evolution. ShiftUp is a strategic- change agency that helps foster purposeful business growth by defining meaningful, strategic change and helping leaders get un-stuck. We focus on helping them Innovate, Differentiate, Orchestrate and Elevate aspects of their culture, brand and leadership.The amount of rapid transformation we’ve seen in just the past few months is pretty astounding. Businesses are questioning the status quo out of necessity and seeking answers that will define a new vision of success and fulfillment. ShiftUp is here to help—if yours is one of them.

Kim Kimmy’s New Book

Former MARKETING newspaper humor columnist Kim E. Kimmy has been busy autographing her first-ever children’s book—“Locked Out in the Snow”—another beautifully designed book by Book House Publishing Co. in Bellingham.

It’s available on Amazon, but for an autographed and personalized copy, send Kim an email to, and she’ll send you an order form so she can autograph it and add a personal message. The book is appropriate for ages four through nine; it tells a Christmas story, with full-color illustrations by local artist Hannah June. It’s hardback and the cost is 19.95, plus shipping and handling.

Kim is loving life in Anacortes these days. And if you know Kim, she’s got all sorts of irons in the fire in Skagit County.