IMMORTALS Inductee: Cheri Brennan


The PR Pro’s Pro

Cheri Brennan started her own consulting business (dba Alliance Communications) in 1990 and has never looked back. She works with corporations, nonprofits, startups and small businesses.

Before joining the ranks of self-employed entrepreneurs, Cheri was the assistant public affairs manager at the Washington State Bar Association. Her background includes positions with the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, a multi-office real estate firm, a San Francisco ad agency, a specialty retailer and a community newspaper.

Cheri credits her high school journalism teacher with sparking her interest in the communications profession. “Mrs. A” influenced her decision to forgo an opportunity to be an exchange student to Germany in her senior year, instead accepting positions as editor of the high school newspaper and chief photographer of the yearbook. Visiting Germany (beyond the Munich airport) is still on her bucket list!

Credit also is due her parents for instilling in their children a commitment to “giving back,” whether donating time, talent or treasure.

Growing up in Houghton (now part of Kirkland), Cheri witnessed her parents’ involvement in everything from Campfire Girls, youth sports and the PTA to a Children’s Hospital Guild and myriad community projects, including the volunteer- and donor-led efforts to build the first ballpark at Everest Field and Kirkland’s community swimming pool.

“Friends and family” connections led to commitments to provide  pro bono PR services to various nonprofit organizations, including “Operation Iraq,” an initiative of a Kirkland merchant to send holiday gift boxes to U.S. service members, the First Tee of Greater Seattle and the Ten Grands Seattle benefit concert for music education.

This proud (and some say loud) Coug is a graduate of the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at WSU. She serves on its Professional Advisory Board and as a program mentor and also volunteers with the university’s burgeoning Viticulture and Enology programs.

She has served as president of the local chapters of the American Marketing Association, the Public Relations Society of America and Marketing Communications Executives International. She is nationally accredited by PRSA and has an MBA from Seattle U’s Albers School of Business.

Among her many accolades is the Jay Rockey Lifetime Achievement Award from PRSA and being one of three 2016 inductees into the Murrow Hall of Achievement.

Click here to read Cherie’s IMMORTALS Commentary