Pub Note: Response to the Nov./Dec. retrospective issue has been gratifying. Following is a sampling of the emails and cards I’ve received. Copies of the issue are available by emailing your request and mailing address to The  articles also are posted at   —L                      

loveringletterwebLooking at the retrospective issue of MARKETING,  I was surprised to see my photo on Page 2. That I could rise to the level to be included in your 30-year reminiscence astonished me. What an honor. I was so moved that I did a sketch of you, adding how you always “did things your way.” As I’ve mentioned before, I know you could be outspoken on issues, such as the Kingdome, yet you always found a way to say something nice about people you wrote about. That has always impressed me…         —Howard Lovering

I enjoyed reading about your new plans in the latest issue and am glad you’ll…still be involved. I also enjoyed reading the history you detailed, especially seeing Mogs’ (Mike Mogelgaard) name show up so much. Just so you know, Ralph Fascitelli was my business parter at Imagio. He and I co-founded the agency and sold it together to JWT. JWT was great, but the bubble burst. As did we. Ten years ago I partnered with the three founders of 206inc (now 206Agency) as the CD… and we were acquired two years ago by Advantage Solutions. I’ve stayed on with my partner, Mike Salvadore, and we’re still going strong. Hope you enjoy your new role and that your daughter lets you out on the golf course now and then.         —Tad Harmon

I just read the retrospective issue (and) I want to congratulate you on 30 years. It’s an amazing accomplishment for any business to post a 30-year tag on their business and you’ve done it with such enthusiasm, style, compassion and grace. I started Sunrise Media 37 years ago this coming January… it’s been a fun ride for a long time and, like you but unlike so many others, I’m not retiring either…       – Linda Wilson

Little did you know that the pages of MARKETING would become the journal-of-record for our little corner of the marcomm world. Loved reading the memories from 1986-2016 and felt honored to be included. Mahalo nui loa!     – David Horsfall

Gorgeous. amazing Nov./Dec issue! A “Remarkable” Thirty Years indeed… Thanks for all of your work on behalf of all of us in these crazy marketing-related industries. You have been the true communicator of the joys and sorrows and wins and losses. I join so many who are proud to call you “my friend.”       – Mimi Kirsch

Your recent multi-page remeniscences were so fabulous I couldn’t put the paper down! Lots of those players stopped in at IL Bistro restaurant  in the Pike Place Market, where I went to hang out. .. I always enjoyed the energetic company… what a great and historic time, before all the national attention. Thanks!           – Billy King