Welcome To The ‘New’ MARKETING…

The slightly opened white door and green rug with an inscription
Welcome to the “new” MARKETING—where fresh content is delivered here digitally on a frequent basis, rather than every other month in subscribers’ postal boxes, as it was for 30 years in the print edition of MARKETING. With your help, we can continue to be a valuable information source for marcomm professionals in the Seattle area—and around the world. In a nutshell, the enhanced marketingnw.com “Hub” site offers:
•  Compelling Content—from timely news and informative articles authored by pros in their particular areas of marcomm expertise, to relevant advertising and portals to a trio of related microsites (i.e., MARKETING Awards, MARCOMM Person of the Year and the MARKETING IMMORTALS).
•  Strong Synergy—Those microsites, and the attention they command, help to amplify the amount of traffic to the Hub. In addition, recipients of the periodic email Updates and News Alerts! are encouraged to forward them to colleagues, which will exponentially increase the reach of those messages and traffic to the Hub site.
All of the above is made possible by the existence of a unique marcomm community in the Seattle area, developed over the three decades that MARKETING was delivered in a tabloid-newspaper format (monthly for two of those decades and bi-monthly in the third), before conversion to digital delivery on Jan. 2, 2018. We trust you’ll find the uncluttered format of the Hub site appealing and easy to navigate. Please direct any questions to Webmaster melissavailcoffman@gmail.com. Thank you!