‘Unite Seattle’—Three and Growing!


moreUnite Seattle magazine is celebrating its third anniversary with a distribution deal that will boost its distribution through major local grocery-store chains, according to Publisher Mike Montgomery.

The Winter issue is now available at more than 200 locations throughout Western Washington, This is the first LGBTQ-owned independent magazine to be sold at all Safeway, Albertsons, QFC and Fred Meyer stores from Seattle to Portland, as well as in independent bookstores and newsstands and on Amazon.

The Winter issue features Frontline Workers as its Persons of the Year. On the cover are two respected physicians—Dr. Peter Shalit and Dr. Hisam Goueli—along with caregiver and photojournalist Renee Raketty—the first Trans Woman to grace a major Seattle magazine.

“We launched Unite Seattle in 2018 to prove that print wasn’t dead and that it still is a viable platform,” said Montgomery. “Realistically, you need all platforms (print, digital, social, video and online) to survive in the ever-changing marketplace.”

“The idea of a lifestyle magazine, featuring people and places that don’t get covered by other Seattle media, has been on my mind for more than 15 years. Seattle (and the Northwest) has needed a communications vehicle to collaborate with businesses and the community for a single purpose—to bring diversity and inclusiveness into the mainstream consciousness.”

Montgomery added, “We’re proud that Unite Seattle is the first LGBTQ-focused publication to be produced in the Northwest. In the Spring, our annual health and fitness issue will focus on “Healing from COVID. ”If you would like to partner with us on this or future issues, please contact me at publisher@uniteseattlemag.com.”