Ted Says . . . November Four


By Ted Leonhardt

What really is the right thing to do?
When tents fill the streets,
And food banks empty

Did our votes decide the thing,
Or are we still riding the despair?

Is it the virus that got us here?
Or did the virus show us where we are?

From loser to cult leader?
From president for some
To messiah for supremacy?

It’s the economy, stupid.

And we filled the prisons so full
And built the wall so high,
But the seekers keep on coming.
We surely must build more.
Their children in cages, with no need for mother love.

Is it the virus that got us here?
Or did the virus show us where we are?

Record turnout, they say.
It’s rigged anyway.

They told us to vote,
And vote we did.
To undo what we’d done before?
To make things right again?

Was it hope or despair that drove our choices home?
Does it really matter anyway?

Is it the virus that got us here?
Or did the virus show us where we are?

We know who the losers are.
Billions spent to right the wrongs,
Dollars from the pockets of all.
Millions from the corporate treasuries
In the land where money makes the law.
Most expensive election in history.
Is this the best money can buy?

Is it the virus that got us here?
Or did the virus show us where we are?

The great lies are everywhere;
We say them every day.
When we sell our stocks and go to bonds
While feeling good ‘cause we got ours.
Forgetting that there is enough for all,
Or at least there was before we grabbed it all.

Liberty and justice for all
Is what we say.

Is it the virus that got us here?
Or did the virus show us where we are?


Note from Ted: My consulting practice is described on my site at tedleonhardt.com. You can reach me at: ted@tedleonhardt.com.