Tags Stanton

Tag: Stanton

Stanton On . . . ‘Guys’

By Rick Stanton In a world gone mad in so many ways, with so many problems, fears and uncertainties, I’ve decided to take on a...

Stanton On . . . Stupidity

Pub. Note: Click HERE to order Rick’s new book titled How to Sell a Chicken, which has been published—to popular acclaim—by daughter Melissa’s new...

Stanton On . . . The News

Pub. Note: Click HERE to order Rick’s new book titled How to Sell a Chicken, which has been published—to popular acclaim—by daughter Melissa’s new...

Stanton On . . . Writing a Book

Pub. Note: We asked Rick to share his thoughts on writing a book—in this case, his recollections of four decades as a prominent practitioner in...

Stanton On . . . Mt. St. Helens

By Rick Stanton I grew up and lived a lot of my life in the Southwest Washington town of Longview. One day, in May of 1980,...

Stanton On . . . Pandemic Perspectives

By Rick Stanton Food: I know something about the food industry in our state. I’ve worked on advertising for the Washington State Potato Commission, the...

Stanton On . . . Too Much ‘Together’

By Rick Stanton Full admission; this is a “get off my lawn” moment. Being trapped at home, I’ve probably seen 100 TV commercials that all say...

Stanton On … the Media As Foe

By Rick Stanton The following sentence is shameless self-promotion: In my soon-to-be-available book titled “How to Sell a Chicken,” I mention how, once upon a...

Stanton On…The News Media

By Rick Stanton Bill, a good friend of mine, sent me an email the other day. One of his lines was, “America is in the...

Stanton On…The Killing Of America

By Rick Stanton Trump and his supporters and sycophants no longer are just idiots, they’re bungling what could be the scariest thing ever to hit...


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