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Tag: MoreNews

Welcome Back, Bill Fritsch!

Pub. Note: Bill Fritsch, a local veteran of the ad-biz wars, was a regular columnist in the late MARKETING newspaper for five years, in...

Two Jim Ellis Memorial Recommendations

Pub. Note: The runaway winners in our poll on the proposed ways to honor the late civic leader Jim Ellis were renaming the Mountains...

Speaking Of The ‘Ad-volution’…

By Larry Coffman Speaking of the “ad-volution” (see links to earlier posts below) check out the latest listings of the Puget Sound Business Journal’s list...

How About the ‘App-lessness Crisis’?

With all the talk about homelessness, how about showing a little concern for a less-visible crisis affecting us phoneless folks (who are almost exclusively...

Bill Hoke On Homelessness—And a Reply

Let them sleep in spheres?   By Bill Hoke We just returned from a family event in Oregon City, Oregon, and on a morning walk came across a...

Seattle Met On Competitor’s Bankruptcy Filing…

Pub. Note: Here’s the email that Seattle Met sent to readers and clients, in the wake of the bankruptcy filing by the parent company...

Is Your Proposed Business Right For You?

By Bill Hoke Ready to Take the Next Steps? Take the time to do the research so you can build a strong foundation and then create...

‘Ad-volution’—Paid vs. Earned Media

By Larry Coffman A couple months ago, while prepping to moderate a panel discussion on the changes in marketing communications over the past 30 years,...

‘Ad-volution’ Series Feedback Update…

As promised, here’s feedback from our “Ad-volution” series, triggered by the demise of the venerable Cole & Weber, circa 1931, with a recent update...

Thanks For the Wakeup Call, Mike—and Best of Luck!

Pub. Note: Our thanks to Mike Doherty, long-time president of the venerable Cole & Weber, for alerting us to holding company WPP’s version of...


A New Column: CreatingNW!

30 Years of Headlines

Stanton On…Faceball