Stanton On . . . The News


Pub. Note: Click HERE to order Rick’s new book titled How to Sell a Chicken, which has been published—to popular acclaim—by daughter Melissa’s new Book House Publishing.

By Rick Stanton

First things first . . . stop listening to it and watching it.

It’s toxic. There’s not one ounce of anything remotely good about it.

COVID-19 is spreading. It will get worse, because we’re opening the country too fast, and there are too many stupid, selfish morons refusing to stay home.

Donald Trump is a blithering idiot, has no leadership skills and proves it daily. Drink bleach. Don’t wear a mask. It’s only the flu—and it will be over by Easter.

Anybody who doesn’t agree with him is fired, or censored, or demeaned on a personal level. Anyone seen Dr. Fauci lately?

Food prices are going through the roof. In fact, the food-supply chain is in trouble, in no small part because of the virus slamming processing plants and the agriculture industry.

Why? Because many of the people who do the hard work are underpaid, have no healthcare insurance and are working in despicable conditions, cheek to jowl.

Then there’s the Middle East, Iran, North Korea and the Russians, the November elections and the 15% unemployment, led by a restaurant industry that likely will not recover soon, if ever.

There was a mental-health doc on PBS years ago, whose name escapes me, who subscribed to just dropping off the grid when it came to the news, even when it wasn’t all that bad.

And now it’s bad. Really bad.

My Dad used to say, “If someone tells you you’re a jackass enough times, pretty soon you’ll start looking for a saddle.”

Take a vacation, a safe vacation that doesn’t require an airplane.

Turn off the news, listen to music, read something fun and entertaining.

Learn to cook. Garden. Go for walks. Breathe.

And lastly, pray this all gets sorted out for the better, sooner (like November 3) rather than later.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how’d you like the play?

P.S. The end of May demonstrations-turned-riots in Seattle and across the country are the result of a Perfect Storm: A divisive, racist president, pent up emotions and anger from the pandemic, and the George Floyd murder by Minneapolis police. I’m convinced none of those riots would have happened without the angst and anger from the pandemic, hence the Perfect Storm.