Stanton On…The Killing Of America


By Rick Stanton

Trump and his supporters and sycophants no longer are just idiots, they’re bungling what could be the scariest thing ever to hit our country.

The misinformation, uninformed media responses and clear lack of ability to lead in a crisis are threatening our very existence on a very personal level, as the coronavirus outbreak grows to pandemic proportions.

“Anyone who wants to get tested can get tested.” A lie. “It’ll be over by Spring.” A lie.

The underfunded CDC and local health departments are trying to get the truth out to anyone who will listen, while Trump is telling all his people to “put a lid on it.”

“Don’t spook the markets.” “Don’t compromise my ability to get re-elected.” “It’s not my fault. It’s China’s.” And, of course, “the Democrats’.”

Trump keeps trotting out people who are totally unqualified to speak about the virus, and Fox keeps putting them on the air.

Like “Doctor” Ben Carson, who’s about as smart as a box of hammers. “I don’t want to preview the plan (to fight coronavirus) right now, particularly when it hasn’t been fully formulated,” he said in an interview.

That’s comforting leadership. Why haven’t we had a plan in place weeks—or at least days—ago? This virus doesn’t seem ready to wait until we can figure out a way to deal with it.

But the markets have figured out one thing, for sure: Donald Trump is incapable of leading in a crisis. And the rest of the world sees this and has come to the same conclusion.

Sticking your head in the sand—or up your butt—in order to preserve your own self-interests is not just stupid—it’s immoral. And if you support Trump during this time in our history, you’re immoral, too.

Skeptics have wondered how Trump would behave in a real crisis. Now we know.

This behavior is killing America…one lie at a time—and one person at a time.

Writing about advertising at this critical moment in our history seems incredibly shallow.



  1. Larry- The pure stupidity of Rick Stanton’s article is an insult to you and the reputation of your publication. He misstates facts and is obviously just parroting left wing media without having a clue what he is actually talking about. For example, Ben Carson is the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development which is not the agency in charge of COVID19. Yes, most experts are in agreement that the US could of/should of have been better prepared but understand China wasn’t exactly forthcoming about what was going on over there killing people that wanted to speak out, etc. What I do see now is strong cooperation between V.P. Pence’s team, Governor Inslee and our other local leaders making hard decisions on what is a very fast-moving crisis without much of a play book. Besides the very real sickness and fatality statistics, countless workers and small businesses (including mine) are being negatively impacted. Please people, this is when the best of what we have to offer as business professionals and community members is needed. It is absolutely NOT the time for partisan politics. Shame on you for letting this piece of crap run.

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