Stanton On . . . The Disgrace of Downtown


By Rick Stanton

I haven’t been on a ferry from Bainbridge Island to Seattle in a year.

But what I’ve witnessed in the media and from talking to others that share our little Island, “lucky me” comes to mind.

Once upon a time, I passed dozens of delightful retail stores, like Ruby Montana’s Pinto Pony for starters, as I got off the boat each day and began the walk to my office.

The hustle and bustle was energizing, as Seattle went from being a big town to a small city and—now—a national disgrace. All the energy has been sapped by sickos and mayors and city council members and police chiefs and prosecutors who don’t have the guts to make the hard calls—or at least to call for help.

Millions of dollars and hundreds of dreams have been lost and shattered by the kumbaya do-nothings.

Mayor Jenny Durkan has been bad beyond belief.

Kasama Shawant is a moronic trouble maker who should consider moving to a communist country.

And the list goes on.

And now today, I see in my online Seattle Times that vandals have once again struck the Nordstrom flagship store, doing tens of thousands of dollars in damage.

Why? Because they can!

I don’t blame Durkan for not running again. Besides the fact that she’s proven she’s not up to the task, who in their right mind would want a bite of that $#@& burger?

Don’t be surprised when the only thing left in downtown Seattle are homeless tents, garbage and some truly scary folks screaming at mailboxes bolted to the sidewalks.

I hope and pray that whomever decides to try and right this sinking ship has the moral fortitude to stop the madness and clean house.

Or better yet, kick some serious ass. Before Nordstrom and the other survivors say adios to this disaster and leave the inmates to run the asylum.



  1. This asylum called Seattle is being run for the benefit of about 12,000 homeless, tax-paying citizens be damned. The citizens of Seattle made this happen by voting for people like Shawant, et al. Nothing will happen until the citizens of Seattle throw the bastards out. Until then, I am reminded of a saying an old boss of mine repeated often –“Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ and you’ll keep getting what you’ve got.” I think Seattle can expect more of the same for the foreseeable future.

    Too bad, Seattle used to be one of the coolest cities in the country.

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