Stanton On . . . Questions


By Rick Stanton

Where and when did common sense, civility and decency fall off a cliff?

Who are these people who—night after night—destroy property and accelerate division and violence across the country? We need to find out, pronto.

Why do cops continue to kill blacks after the outrage that was/is the murder of George Floyd? Can they read? Do they own a television set or a radio? Is there any leadership in policing across this country?

Why do people continue to ask for a third party when there is one? It’s called the Trump Party. Just ask John Kasich and the other prominent members of the Republican Party who spoke on Biden’s behalf at the Democratic Convention.

Why is science being politicized?

Why are the Trumplodytes trying to steal the election by hamstringing the post office?

Why are we allowing Russia to influence our election—again?

Why does the toady, boot-licking Mike Pence dare to say that the country will not be safe with Biden in office? Can he read? Does he not own a television or a radio? Does he have a conscience?

Most importantly, does he and others in the Trump administration not realize all of this is happening on their watch?

And, oh yes, what about the promise that COVID-19 would “simply vanish” before Easter? Easter 2021? 2022? 2023?

Lots of questions. And there’s one common denominator underlying all of them—Donald Trump.

For nearly four years, he has fanned the flames of division, fear and hatred. He’s a liar, and the only thing that matters to him—is him. The “Republican Convention” simply underscored all of this.

How’s that promise to bring back that “beautiful coal industry” workin’ out for you miners?

For those of you who continue to support him and his regime, please take me off your email list. I have no use for you.

I care too much about democracy and the right for sane people to have differing points of view and agree to disagree. Move to Moscow. You’ll love it. I hear it’s lovely in January.

And please take a minute to read the link I’ve included below, look in the mirror and ask yourself a question: What do I want my country to stand for and for the world to see?

People hate to admit they made—or are making—a mistake. I hate it when they continue to compound it.

Someday, advertising might matter again, but not today. Today, I use my bully pulpit to deal with something much more important.



  1. Well put Rick Stanton. It makes me deeply sad at what’s happened to our country. The loss of support for for ordinary people. People like you and me who believed in the American dream and worked hard to make it happen for ourselves and others. Sadly it’s not just Trump. It’s a trend that’s been building for years. I see it everyday with my clients and my community. Wages flat or jobs gone. Healthcare only for the privileged. Housing unaffordable. Public schools gutted of funding. Rich, richer. Poor, poorer. Middle-class shrinking.

  2. Kudos to Rick Stanton for asking most of the questions 2.3 of the citizens of this great country have been asking for the past several years. I found it relevant and coincidental that I have been wrestling with those questions as well.

    I add another link from the same source and ask the following question: If you were to vote, not for a person, but for a way of life as we move forward in this country, which of these definitions would receive your vote.?

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