Stanton On…Duluth Trading Co.


By Rick Stanton

This is a short column. Sometimes, less is more. Right?

Once upon a time, I was in a meeting with a rather cantankerous client who had an opinion about everything. Many of his opinions were rooted in knee-jerk reactions—as opposed to thought. One of my favorites was a rant about feminine-hygiene ads on TV.

“Why the hell do they put those on TV shows I’m watching?” he snarled.

I asked, “What were you watching?”



One of my all-time favorite campaigns is running now on ESPN, Fox Sports, MLB Network and other channels that have men—18 to death—as their demo.

It’s for Duluth Trading Company, and the spots are guy-centric and funny as hell. They’re brilliant in their simplicity and their unabridged, unapologetic dude-ness.

And you’re not likely to see them on Oprah—unless the media buyer is a dope.

When I was playing fast-pitch for Miller Beer, I dated a woman who asked me, “Why do men who play baseball scratch, spit and rearrange their stuff so much?”

There was a simple answer to her question; because we can.