Stanton On… Creative BS


By Rick Stanton

As the leader of several iterations of small, local ad agencies and design firms, I learned very early on that effective creative comes from solid strategies.

The process is not some magical, other-worldly, cosmic connection that happens because you had a hot cup of the latest herbal tea and a good bowel movement. It comes because you, or the people you work with, did some digging and put down their biases to find out what really matters to the consumers who will buy or use your client’s products or services.

It’s not about you, all you creative types, it’s about them. That’s why, when I read the stuff in the link below, I laughed out loud at what is an enormous load of cow flop. This is the stuff that begets shows like Bewitched (if you’re under 45, Google it).

There’s this lingering belief on the part of non-ad types that creatives are mystics, driven by some skill that is inexplicable. Not!

Great work comes from great effort and not falling in love with the sound of your own voice. Or to be more specific, the sound of your own bullshit. Which is exactly what the 4A’s SmartBrief article is—creative BS.

As an agency owner and creative director, I didn’t care how you got to work, what music you listened to or what you had for breakfast. What I cared about was, are you paying attention to the brand strategy? Are you listening to the research? Are you doing things that help connect your client at a visceral level with their consumers?

Probably the one aspect of the creative department that drove me bat$@#& crazy were the art directors. Having been one, I had a very solidly rooted understanding that my “masterpieces” were not going to hang in the Louvre. And it had to be as good as it was ever going to be by 3 p.m., Tuesday because that’s when the publication needed the mechanical.

A word of advice to all of you who are—or believe you are—creative: Listen. The process is about being smart, not esoteric..

I have a friend whose son decided to get into advertising as a writer. Upon his arrival home from a college break, his mom said, “Good God, when was the last time you took a shower?” I kid you not, this was the response, according to mom.

“I feel more creative if I’m raw.”

No, you just smell bad, dude, plus BO is not an asset in most meetings.