Our Favorite Holiday Card


While there seems to have been a significant decline in the number of printed Holiday cards that companies mail to clients, vendors and friends each year—as the number of email cards proliferates—there always are enough of both to remind one that the season is indeed upon us.

At MARKETING, this printed card (cover above) from Hunt Marketing Group (HMG) was an easy choice as Melissa’s and my favorite for this year.

Principal Matt Hunt informed us that the figures were designed by each staffer using the app called Bitmoji (i.e., a personal emoji avatar). He said Heather Green and Graham Herman created the layout, manipulated the individual characters and assembled the layout—all in about five hours.

Matt said each staffer was responsible for his or her own character in order to allow them to showcase their personality and give everyone in the agency a sense of ownership of the card. “It was a true group effort,” he said.

The staffers, from left front row, Heather Green, Erin Wiggins, Corey Moran, Natalie Gossett, Buddy, principal Brian Hunt, principal Matt Hunt, Patricia Dalesandro and Lisa Reeder; middle row, Jason Walden, Anne Moreau, Jon Aiken, Amara Andrus, Ben Murphy, Kara Kjarstad, Ann Reckner, Alvin Park and Theresa Tuck; back row, Joy Baxter, Nick Dietrich, Kristen Sale, Caitlyn Johnson, Graham Herman, Raechel Kelly, Rob Rowe, Morgan del Fierro, (airborne) Lauren Hunt and Jessica Villanueva. Each signed his or her first name on the back of the card, containing the message “To Wish You a Happy Holiday Season!”

Same to you, HMG!


P.S. This posting prompted Patrick Robinson to send along this beautiful card from him and wife, Kimberly. And it sent Bob Hacker scrounging through his files to find a couple of those Mike Mogelgaard classics of years past. Still time to send us your print card for posting.