Meet An IMMORTAL: Mike Mogelgaard



Since 2009, MARKETING has been inducting leaders in the marcomm community into the pantheon of MARKETING IMMORTALS, based on their career accomplishments. The eight categories include Advertising, Public Relations, Design, Direct Marketing, Film/Video/Audio, Graphic Arts, Media and Corporate/Client. The total of inductees now stands at 65.

As stated in the Welcome message on, “The intent of this Website is to preserve the memories of those who have contributed so much to these various fields of endeavor, as we know them today and as they will evolve in the future. Besides “immortalizing” the work of those who have gone before, the site also is intended to inform current practitioners of the legacies upon which their work is founded and to have significant educational and historical value.

Those aims have been more than realized in the commentaries provided by the inductees. The next in the IMMORTALS series is the always outspoken Mike Mogelgaard. His commentary is one of the most provocative and must-read of any on the site.