COVID-19 Quiz Results—Duh!


The overwhelming finding from the COVID-19 Quiz is that members of the Seattle marcomm community much prefer to work at home and interact virtually with colleagues, rather than going to a central office.

By the same token, they also heavily prefer to meet in person for social activities, rather than virtually, which shows that they aren’t antisocial, just anti commuting to and from an office every day.

Questions about Conducting Business, their Financial Situation and Stress Levels all came out About the Same. And post-COVID, they intend to use a combination of their current manner of operation and elements of their pre-COVID operations.

To the finding about the strong preference for working from home, we say, duh! How could we not see that coming? When the Internet turned the communications world upside down and empowered the masses like never before, could the employment picture be far behind?

Granted, the pandemic hastened the day, but it was inevitable that the office tower soon would come under attack. What greater example is there of the old top-down power structure than the CEO, ensconced in his penthouse suite, with lower levels of power displayed on descending floors, down to the lowest worker bees in the basement?

And as today’s younger generations come to power, that trend will only be increased. They’ve been brought up learning that you can communicate without all having to go to a central location, with virtual learning during the pandemic being a prime example.

—Larry Coffman





  1. Having just watched a 20m video from SNL recapping last season – the best work comes when you are able to be together albeit in different forms. The SNL team still had to be on-site for the majority of their work. Anyone who follows this show (I think) can understand the importance of collaboration, meeting in-person (for work) to consistently present excellent work.

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