Campaign To Help Tourist-Starved King County


Visit Seattle and the Seattle Southside Regional Tourism Authority (RTA) have launched a campaign to help accelerate local spending in the tourism industry, which has largely been shuttered by COVID-19. The campaign asks that people spend money in King County before they travel elsewhere. It also aims to boost historically disadvantaged neighborhoods and promote minority-owned businesses throughout the county.

Wunderman Thompson Seattle (WTS)created the $8 million campaign, financed with King County federal-aid funds. The campaign elements include connected TV, social, transit, digital audio, search, retail/wild postings and podcast and radio partnerships.

WTS Creative Director Todd  Derksen said, “Businesses all over King County are struggling as these unprecedented times become even more perilous. So we created a campaign to reassure people that the things they loved doing in King County are still out there, are safe again and are run by real people who were depending on their return. The ‘DO SOMETHING’ campaign is all about inspiring people to get out, mask up and safely and do all the things they have been waiting to do since this pandemic began—not only for their own gratification but for the preservation of all the businesses they know and love.”

The campaign promotes an array of small businesses, including bakers, chefs, toy- shop owners, winemakers, bookstores, barbers and lodging establishments who are waiting to provide their services to locals who have been sheltering in place for months. With Visit Seattle’s new “All Clear King County” Safety Pledge, visitors and residents can be assured that companies and service providers are taking all of the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe as they travel in their nearby communities.

“Businesses have had to make heart-wrenching decisions on how to cut costs to stay afloat, and many small businesses may not have the means to market or promote themselves,” said Katherine Kertzman, president and CEO of the Seattle Southside RTA. “We’re proud to partner with Visit Seattle on this campaign that gives these businesses a promotional boost. This campaign encourages King County residents and visitors to support local businesses and ‘Do Something’ at their own comfort level and pace. We’re very excited about this collaborative campaign, and we are optimistic that locals and visitors alike will come together to support businesses countywide.

Link to the Visit Seattle release: