Call For A Homeless ‘Czar’!


By Larry Coffman

Finally, a Seattle mover-and-shaker has hit the nail on the head about how to begin solving the city’s homeless/lawless (as we term it) crisis, which seems to be spreading, rather than shrinking.

In a recent interview on the Voices of Experience (VOE) show on KKNW radio, Howard S. Wright, whose father’s construction company built the Space Needle in the early ’60s and who now is a homeless activist, said, “There are a lot of people working on this homeless issue, and there’s not a  lot of collaborative sharing of resources. There is no one particular director or czar of this project, and it would be helpful if there were…”

Below is the link to the interview, edited for use here by the show’s creator and moderator Paul Casey. Paul and I have been colleagues since the days of Metro Transit and he later was a member of our former Niche Newspapers Group, as publisher of Voices of Experience newspaper.

It’s my fervent hope that Howard S. Wright, and other influencers on his level, will read all—or even a portion—of what has been posted here previously on the subject and get the ball rolling to make Action Central—and its “czar” (nee director)—a reality!

Click to hear the Howard S. Wright Interview

P.S. Here are links to prior posts in the fantastical Action Central series: Mayor Durkan’s AddressHomeless Central, a First Stepbackground on Action (nee Homeless) Central director John Shannon; his distinction between Homelessness and LawlessnessThe StakeholdersThe Perfect Site!; ‘Jigsaw Puzzle’; Reaching For RealityTown Hall Takeaways; Eric’s National Exposure‘Head Chef’;  ‘Our Mission Control’; The No. 1 Deliverable—Synergy!; Proactive Vs. Passive; Action Central: Guest Proposal-Part I; Action Central: Guest Proposal-Part II; Action Central: Guest Proposal-Part III; and Homeless/Lawless Quiz Results+.