Busher Photography Exhibit


Above is one of the stunning photographs that will be part of Dick Busher’s exhibition of Intimate Landscapes and Urban Extractions, running Dec. 7 through Jan. 26th.

An opening reception will be held from 5 to 7pm, Thursday, Dec. 7 at the Threshold Gallery at Mithun Architects on Pier 56 on the Seattle Waterfront. It will take place in the first-and second-floor lobbies and reception area. The regular gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5pm.

In his website profile, Busher says, “I think of myself first and foremost as a photographer. However, I’m also an independent publisher of books on art and photography, as well as a provider of prepress and design services for artists who are self-publishing their own work,” adding that “my worst day creating images for myself is better than the best day I ever had in the office.”