Betti Fujikado To Receive AAF Silver Medal


Betti Fujikado, front row center in black, with members of her staff at Copacino+Fujikado

Betti Fujikado has been chosen to receive the 2017 Silver Medal at this year’s AAF Seattle Awards (aka ADDYs) gala from 5:30 to 9pm, Friday, March 29 at Motif Seattle. Here’s the eloquent and informative background on Betti, provided by AAF Seattle.

Having co-founded Copacino+Fujikado—one of the most successful advertising agencies in Seattle’s history—with Jim Copacino more than 20 years ago, it’s almost too obvious to say that Betti Fujikado knows her stuff. Standing among other local legends, with decades of winning print, radio, and TV campaigns in her wake, she would appear to be just one legend among many, but Betti stands wholly apart. Not only in her legacy of work, but also in her philosophy.

There’s a mantra that orbits Betti’s universe. It’s so integrated to her persona that C+F could sell bumper stickers at the front desk. It has defined her personal and professional character to countless others and without a doubt it has benefitted those fortunate enough to meet, know and work with Betti.

That phrase is: “Give Space and Take Space.”

For Betti, the giving and taking of space is a two-fold approach to working success. From developing new projects to supporting young talents, she deftly gives or takes space accordingly.

When C+F first launched, Betti didn’t quite have her approach all worked out yet–mostly due to the new partnerships, optimistic chaos and hands-on pressure involved with beginning her own agency. But, as things at C+F settled into a routine, and Betti began supervising a staff of talented professionals, her philosophy took shape.

“Jim and I have been Giving Space and Taking Space from each other for 21 years now. It’s a bit of a dance, and we sometimes step on each other’s toes, but it works. As time has passed and the agency has grown, it’s been easier and easier to practice.”

As her professional counterpart and the owner of the other name on the door, Jim  described Betti’s mindset in action at their agency.

“Betti is fearless about stepping outside her comfort zone. She calls this ‘taking space’—a willingness to wade into areas that are new, different or difficult. In other words, stepping forward to tackle challenges, despite the obstacles. ‘Giving space’ is about inclusion and empathy. As a woman of color, Betti is sensitive to the feelings and needs of others—championing equity through encouragement, mentorship and by example. Countless colleagues and clients have been the beneficiaries of her philosophy.”

Over the years, Betti pushed her agency forward, occasionally challenging the fundamentals of her philosophy. Because Giving Space and Taking Space works both way—and if you don’t take the space, she will. The philosophy is fluid in determining when you step back and when you need to lean in, but what’s always necessary is a mutual trust between the parties. Without that, nothing about her philosophy works.

Recently, Betti translated her philosophy from a classic client/project application to one focused on how her team felt about the #metoo and #timesup movements when they first started. She asked the women in the C+F office to address three questions: 1) how did they feel about the issues, 2) how did it impact them personally, and 3) how did it impact C+F?

“I took that space for the conversation. The women then decided to take their own space by forming a group called WE (Women Empowered) who work with management to ensure C+F provides a place of diversity, equity and inclusion. Space was given. Space was taken. I’m very proud of how the women and allies of the agency are leaning into this opportunity,” Betti said.

In addition to her leadership style and guiding philosophy, Jim has counted Betti’s diverse skillset as a deeply resonating reason for C+F’s success.

“Betti is a Swiss Army Knife of skills. She’s gifted at finance, business administration, strategy, marketing, sales and HR. While we are very different personalities, we share one commonality: At our cores, we’re creative business people and businesslike creative people. From day one, Copacino+Fujikado has been about combining business insights with high-impact creativity.”

While Betti’s role has changed, and even diminished in recent years, she still holds to her maxim, deploying it whenever and wherever needed to accomplish her goals or set the agency on its true course.

“I like having a framework that helps in discussions. Another benefit is it encourages people to take risks. In my opinion, it’s those risks that encourage growth. Trust and collaboration within high performing teams is how we approach our work. That means everyone comes to the table with a Giving Space and Taking Space mentality.”

The AAF Silver Medal Award celebrates an impressive career of a PNW advertising icon. This year, the Silver Medal Committee unanimously agreed to honor Betti’s contributions to her industry and community. In 2019, the Silver Medal Award—and all the space that goes with it—goes to the one and only Betti Fujikado.

The Silver Medal Committee is composed of prior Silver Medal recipients. This esteemed group includes the aforementioned Mr. Copacino, along with Don Kraft, Dick Hadley, Tracy Wong & Pat Doody, Ron Elgin, Bob Peterson, John Brown, Larry Asher, John Schofield, Cynthia Hartwig and Terry Heckler.

For tickets to the gala go to