April $100 LINK Question Winner!


The winner of the $100 LINK Question contest for April is a name familiar to a large portion of the Seattle marcomm community—Dean Tonkin! He correctly identified the company that has been in business “SINCE 2001” as Print NW, whose ad appears on Page 24 of the 2020 LINK. And here’s the link to the website that Print NW created to raise money for charity during the pandemic: https://united.gearnw.com/index.php

Here’s an update from Dean on his past and present activities: “In 1976, Fred Hilliard and I leveraged our award-winning creative-director paeans at McCann-Erickson and NW Ayer-Baker to launch Hilliard-Tonkin in a basement in Pioneer Square. Major and new local, regional and national clients followed, and we soon were officed on the second floor. But obla-de, obla-da . . . life goes on. Fred is gone and I’m in my 60th year as director-head coach of the SPARC ski-racing team at the Summit at Snoqualmie and a USSS National Coach-Certification Examiner.”  Dean also was the development coach of Olympic Gold medalist, Debbie Armstrong. And he’s a highly regarded golf caddy, who goes by the moniker of ‘Bagger Dean,’ and is still playing to a +.03 handicap!  You can contact him at deantonkin@comcast.net.

The May question is: What Company is still “going door to door?” The May answer and the $100 winner will be announced in the May 27 post.

Check Out The 2020 Digital LINK!