Action Central: Eric’s National Exposure


You may have noticed that Eric Johnson, author of the KOMO-4 documentary, Seattle Is Dying, got some national exposure over the June 1-2 weekend on the Full Measure investigative show, anchored by Sharyl Attkisson.

The other good news is that parent Sinclair Broadcast Group must heartily approve of the documentary because Full Measure is one of its productions. As we noted earlier, Sinclair had no involvement in the preparation of the documentary.

In his excellent responses to Attkisson’s questions, Eric noted that the City of Seattle’s response to the documentary was to “kill the messenger” and to have a PR firm “with which it has a strange relationship launch a counter narrative,” including the claim that crime is down in the city. “But people weren’t having it,” Eric declared.

KOMO general manager Janene Drafs, who deserves major credit for her deft handling of the delicate relationship between her station and the conservative Baltimore-based ownership, described herself as being “so proud of that guy!” (meaning Eric). has requested releases on the subject prepared by the PR firm, Pyramid Communications in Seattle, but has not yet received a response.

P.S. Here are links to prior posts in the fantastical Action Central series: Mayor Durkan’s AddressHomeless Central, a First Stepbackground on Action (nee Homeless) Central director John Shannon; his distinction between Homelessness and LawlessnessThe StakeholdersThe Perfect Site! The ‘Jigsaw Puzzle’, Reaching For Reality and Town Hall Takeaways. If you haven’t voted in the poll, please do so now.

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—Larry Coffman