The ‘Unite Seattle’ Story

Pub. Note: We asked the publisher of “Unite Seattle,” Mike Montgomery, for this brief background on the fledgling magazine targeting the city’s LGBTQ community, as a lead-up to the holiday issue, coming in November:
“We launched “Unite Seattle” in the Spring of 2018 to prove that print wasn’t dead and to show that print still is a viable platform. Realistically, you need all platforms (print, digital, social, video and online) to survive in the ever-changing marketplace.
“The idea of a lifestyle magazine, featuring people and places that don’t get covered by other Seattle media, has been on my mind for more than 15 years. Seattle (and the Northwest region) has needed a communications vehicle to collaborate with businesses and the community for a single purpose—to bring diversity and inclusiveness into the mainstream consciousness.
“We’re proud that “Unite Seattle” is the first LGBTQ-focused publication to be produced in the Northwest. For our upcoming holiday issue (No. 8) on November 20, we’ve increased distribution from four to eight locations in the Seattle area. The holiday issue is our annual arts and dining issue. In the past, we have profiled Dina Martina, Jinkx Monsoon, Cherdonna, Kitten-n-Lou, Gaysha Starr, Kathy Casey and Julien Perry.
“If you would like to partner with us on this—or a future—issue, please contact me at .”