Action Central—Proactive vs. Passive


And the fantasy continues…

Kudos to the groups responsible for the new Emerald City Resource Guide that “serves people who may not otherwise have access to a computer or social-service agency and allows individuals (experiencing homelessness and poverty) to be independent in their search for services that fit their specific needs.”

But one look at the Table of Contents and the myriad services available in the print publication, which is a sister to the familiar Real Change newspaper, only underscores the need for the kind of centralized and continuous focus and synergy that Action Central could bring to the crisis.

Furthermore, this is a positive—but passive—approach to the problem and implies that those involved will reach out and somehow solve the situation themselves. What’s demanded here is a proactive ( “controlling a situation by causing something to happen…”) intervention, which is the very definition of the proposed Action Central initiative.

Another positive step is the Seattle Human Resource Department’s proposed Navigation Center, designed to serve 75 people at a time. It’s modeled after the San Francisco Center, which offers dormitory-style quarters, hygiene and dining facilities and a place to store belongings. It also will provide 24/7 mental and behavioral health services. An RFQ has been issued for those interested in bidding on the project. An information session on the project is Sept. 7.

Meanwhile, we continue the quest for public and private (or both) entities to help us make the Action Central fantasy a reality.

P.S. Here are links to prior posts in the fantastical Action Central series: Mayor Durkan’s AddressHomeless Central, a First Stepbackground on Action (nee Homeless) Central director John Shannon; his distinction between Homelessness and LawlessnessThe StakeholdersThe Perfect Site! The ‘Jigsaw Puzzle’, Reaching For RealityTown Hall Takeaways, Eric’s National Exposure‘Head Chef’.  ‘Our Mission Control’ and The No. 1 Deliverable—Synergy!

Below is Poll No. 2, with the same question as in Poll No. 1, but at a later stage of the discussion. Those who think Action Central is an Excellent/Much Needed Idea continue to run just above the 70% range. If you haven’t voted in Poll No. 2, please do so below.  

[polldaddy poll=10341497]

—Larry Coffman

Mission Control Makeover: This shot of NASA’s Mission Control in its heyday, when it directed the first landing of men on the moon. But the iconic facility is undergoing a $5 million restoration. “This space has fallen into some disrepair over the years,” said William Harris, CEO of Space Center Houston. It’s one of the most popular attractions when people visit.” The plan was to have the restoration ready for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing on July 20. It’s our contention that Mission Control-type facility is needed to help deal with the homeless/lawless crisis in Seattle.