Action Central: Reaching For Reality…


The idea of actually achieving an Action Central facility as a big first step in addressing Seattle’s homeless/lawless crisis is a fantasy—in search of reality.

In the past two weeks, we contacted several Seattle organizations that are in a position to take up the cause. We’ve not heard back from any of them yet.

Based on the millions of views that KOMO’s chilling Seattle Is Dying documentary has received and the more modest number of responses to our poll, it’s clear that there’s great public support—nay demand—for positive action.

If you’re a member of an organization—especially one actively engaged in some part of the homeless/lawless effort—we encourage you to share the idea of a central facility to help address a complex situation with your members. Our analogy that likened solving the homeless/lawless crisis to trying to complete a “jigsaw puzzle” without the picture on the box cover seems to have resonated with lots of folks.

While seemingly obvious—even simplistic—we would argue that there can be no more effective initiative than one that is comprehensive, continuous and concerted—the very definition of the Action Central concept.

And speaking of simplistic, we’ve perhaps oversimplified the politics of creating such a facility—beginning with the idea that it’s something that Mayor Durkan can do on her own, without City Council approval. There’s also the potential power struggles among the various stakeholders—from police and fire to the courts to the leading nonprofit players. But neither are impossible barriers.

Without the help of those involved in the real world, a worthy idea never will be more than a fantasy…

P.S. Here are links to prior posts in the Action Central series: Mayor Durkan’s Address; Homeless Central, a First Step; background on Action (nee Homeless) Central director John Shannon; his  distinction between Homelessness and Lawlessness, The Stakeholders; The Perfect Site! and The ‘Jigsaw Puzzle.’

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—Larry Coffman