Stanton On… ‘Adult’ Ice Cream


By Rick Stanton

My pal and research guru, Mark Scott, sent me the link below and asked what I thought of the ads for an “adult” ice cream brand. He said he was too jaded and wanted some perspective.

Mark’s a smart guy and, from the wording of his email, I couldn’t really tell if he liked the ads or not. So, with a bit of a knowing half-smile, I took a look.

God knows I’ve gone off in my column about the good, the bad and the ugly, with little concern for what anyone else thinks. I consider it a gift that Mr. Coffman has given me in my semi-retired, B.S-free dotage.

I watched the four TV spots for Halo Top, thought about it for around three seconds, and decided that advertising is headed for—if not already there—hell. We live in a time where meanness is the new normal.

I opened the door at the post office the other day for a woman and, instead of saying “thank you,” she said, “My arms aren’t broken.” I was so shocked it took me a few minutes to come up with what I should have said, which was, “No, but your soul is.”

But that would have been mean. We don’t need any more mean. We don’t need any more reminders that our culture is currently in a bad space. We don’t need any more darkness. And we don’t need to make ice cream smug and cynical. We have a president and his toadies who contribute to that every day.

These ads are just a reminder that, sadly, smart, elevating and engaging advertising is becoming extinct. Unfortunately, some bozo of a marketing director said, “Brilliant. Let’s spend a bunch of money turning ice cream into something creepy.” Ooh, my bad, that was mean, factual, but mean.

And, for the record, Mark hates them, too.



  1. I almost liked the ads, but the ending where they drive home the darkness again, just overdoes it! They should have stopped while ahead!

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