Suffering From Creative Burnout?


By Darian Kovacs

Creative burnout. It’s an inevitable part of the job, especially in the marketing, advertising and public relations world. With 24-hour news cycles and client demands, professionals in a creative setting easily can feel like they are the equivalent of a dairy cow for their agency, being pumped for ideas until they’re barren or no longer able to produce.

However, the dairy cow isn’t quite the correct analogy. Creative burnout acts more like a well and every idea is a bucket of water, slowly depleting the resources in the well. With appropriate management, the well will never be empty nor will it be overflowing. Yet, with the constant need and desire to be performing at their peak, it can be tough for creative professionals to be able to relax, even when they’re miles away from the office.

To know how to avoid burning out like a meteor cresting the earth’s atmosphere, we must know some of the early warning signs that a major burnout is on the horizon. Although these signals tend to differ from person to person, there are some universal identifiers to look out for:

• Struggling to get out of bed; • No longer feeling as passionate as you once were; • Inspired and driven colleagues irritate you; • The world has lost its vibrancy or everything is a shade of gray;  • You’re irritable all the time; • Hours pass by as you stare at an empty document on the computer screen; • You have an inability to drum up exciting ideas

If you’ve identified with more than one of these signals, you’re likely on the road to Burnout City. Ignoring those signals would seal your fate. However, by facing them head-on and actively addressing them, you can find your way back to your normal, fun-loving self.

Get Some Sleep. Exhaustion is one of the most prolific culprits to steal from the creative well. Although the occasional late-night Netflix binge is unavoidable, having a regular sleep schedule is essential to peak performance.

Get Into Nature. Even if it’s just a simple hike in the woods, connecting with nature fills the soul with new sounds, new smells, new textures and a rejuvenated sense of self. According to the BBC, being in nature is one of the top ways for children (and adults) to discover and unleash their creativity.

Learn Something New. Whether it’s something you’ve always wanted to learn like a new language or something from left field like, taking classes and learning a new skill is a great way to open your mind and to breathe new life into your every day.

Be Mindful. Whether it be yoga, a float tank or even just simple meditation before going to sleep, taking a moment for yourself can be all it takes to begin to refill the creative well. Others have also said that some of the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) videos on Youtube have helped them have  mindful moments.

Take a Vacation If your burnout has hit its peak, it’s probably time to book and take a vacation. Remember to completely unplug and not sneakily check your emails while you’re away. If needs must, ask your boss to change your email password while you’re gone so that you physically cannot check them while out of the office.

The first thing you should be doing is letting your closest colleagues know that you’re feeling burned out, we’ve all been there and understand the feeling of dipping into the creative well only to find that the water levels are low. By letting those around you know, the most understanding should be able to pick up some of your slack to help ease the pressure on your shoulders.

Darian Kovacs brings over 15 years of experience in marketing, communications and public relations. Through his award-winning company, Jelly Digital Marketing and PR, Darian has worked with various local, national and global brands building and executing their digital & PR strategy. He co-founded the Canadian Internet Marketing Conference and has been featured in AdWeek, Entrepreneur and he is a contributor to Forbes.