Stanton On…Security


By Rick Stanton

I have to admit, I’ve spent a lot of words on how crappy creative has ruled the day lately. The criticism is largely deserved and in many—if not most—cases it’s the big agencies who barf up the most egregious examples of said crap.

The big-agency approach today seems to be getting rid of experienced talent for cheaper talent and bowing to clients’ emphasis on cheaper work rather than greater work—all for the sake of (albeit diminishing) profits.

Last week, I was glad to heap some praised on the Mango Phil spots. Frankly, I’d rather be positive, because I want our craft to succeed. And here’s another opportunity to draw attention to work worthy of applause.

Agency Barton F Graf has crafted a really solid campaign for Brinks Home Security. The ad featured (in the link below) has all the elements that I believe defines good work: it’s smart, it rewards the viewers for their time and it has production values that reflect an understanding of quality over crap.

I learned a long time ago that consumers (focus groups included) might not be able to tell you that a commercial has specific production values, but they can tell you it just looks and feels better.

From a writer’s perspective, I also like the idea that the run-up to the payoff in the ad isn’t just about bad guys breaking into a home. Instead, it shows that, as fundamentally flawed humans, we make some really bad choices. Barton uses the bad choices we make to lead into the idea that taking the time to make sure you armed your security system, or have one in the first place, is something to take seriously.

Even though I’ve lived on beautiful Bainbridge Island for the past 32 years, I’ve always had a home security system. This notion of the importance of said system began when I lived in a condo on Beacon Hill. The guy who installed the system told me something I’ve never forgotten.

He said, “You know why having a good security system is important? Because the signs people put in their yards or the decals they put on their doors that say they have a security system tell the bad guys to break into their neighbor’s place.”

Given the increase in the number of bad guys these days, the Brinks campaign should serve as an entertaining reminder to protect yourself and your stuff. And for me, the campaign serves as a reminder that creative still matters to some people and that clients indeed get the creative work they deserve.