WONGDOODY took the top spot at the annual AAF Seattle ADDY Awards gala on March 29, followed closely by POSSIBLE.

WONGDOODY captured seven Gold and nine Silver ADDYs, plus a Judge’s Choice award, for a total of 17. Hot on their heels, with a total of 15 awards, was POSSIBLE, which had six Golds and eight Silvers, as well as a Judge’s Choice award, for a total of 15. Belief Agency was third, with four Gold and seven Silver ADDYs, for a total of 11.

CMD took Best of Show for its Internet Commercial for client Mixer, titled Streaming’s Better This Way. The agency also had four Gold and Silver ADDYs each, to finish fourth, with a total of nine awards.

A total of 21 entrants were awarded 87 ADDYs, which included 31 Golds and 56 Silvers. An additional 10 ADDYs were awarded in the Student category. Seattle Central Creative Academy dominated the category with a total of six ADDYs.

Stay tuned for results from the Regional- and National-level ADDY competitions.