AAF Creates The Coffman Award!


It was just supposed to just be my monthly lunch meeting with daughter Melissa, who drives down to Woodinville from her home office in Bellingham. But March 24, there was a surprise on the agenda, as captured in this impromptu video. Here’s a copy of the message Melissa was reading:

“Every year, the previous winners of the AAF Seattle (aka Ad Club) Silver Medal meet to award the honor to the next member of the illustrious club. And every year, the name Larry Coffman is brought up and mulled over by the committee, but something like the AAF Silver Medal has never felt quite right.

“This year Ron Elgin said, ‘Larry is—and has been—the voice of our combined industry forever and ever!  His MARKETING IMMORTALS idea itself should qualify him, let alone giving a regular voice to so many of us in our related disciplines.’ The idea of giving Larry a lifetime achievement award also has been a perennial thought, but with his decades of experience and knowledge, it always felt like there was a need for something more than just a lifetime achievement award.

“That’s why we’re thrilled to be announcing The Coffman Award and presenting the inaugural trophy to Larry Coffman, the man who has offered SO MUCH to the advertising and marketing community in the Pacific Northwest over the last 30-plus years.

“This trophy will continue to recognize individuals who have supported and advanced the cause of advertising in our region. Hopefully, it will carry on not just Larry’s name, but his work ethic, humor and devotion to furthering the businesses of advertising and marketing in the Greater Seattle Area for decades to come.

“Congratulations, Larry, on this long-overdue and much-deserved award.”

Note from Larry: My sincere thanks to Ron Elgin and the other esteemed Silver Medal recipients, as well as the AAF, for this deeply appreciated honor.

And whether intended or not, the fact that the award is named The Coffman Award gives tacit and richly deserved recognition to the fact that another Coffman—namely Melissa—has been absolutely critical to all of our endeavors over three+ decades. This includes designing and producing the monthly MARKETING newspaper and the annual ATLAS, figuring out how to conduct the MARKETING Awards entries and voting entirely online, presenting the awards at the EVENT and serving as webmaster of marketingnw.com.

—Larry Coffman



  1. Well deserved! Thank you for all you have done for our industry – and in recognizing those of us on the fringes! I truly value the friendship we have built over the years in addition to your support and patience ; )

  2. Well deserved! Thank you for all you have done for our industry – and in recognizing those of us on the fringes! I truly value the friendship we have built over the years in addition to your support!

  3. Congratulations Larry. I was a pleasure to read of your award and the advertising & marketing community’s recognition of you many accomplishment
    To the Seattle ad community over these many years. Thanks, God less and stay healthy my friend. 🐦Herb

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