Two-Question Survey Results!


Dear Seattle Marcomm Community Member: Thanks for your response to the two-question survey asking whether your would support continuation of for a reasonable, one-time subscription fee and what amount you would consider “reasonable.”

A solid 60% of respondents voted “yes” on the subscription question, which is sufficient to give us confidence to move ahead on that front.

The “reasonable” amounts ranged from a low of $25 to a high of $500, with fully half of “yes” voters saying that $100 seemed reasonable.

The most frequent we received was a “thank you for keeping our marcomm community connected over all these years.”

Hence, we plan to move ahead on April 7 with the introduction of a voluntary subscription program, rather than one that would lead to eventual blockage of non-subscribers a number of months later.

Watch for details of the voluntary subscription program, and the special benefit it affords, on April 7.