Stanton On . . . Losing


By Rick Stanton

When my family moved to Longview, I left behind 10 buddies who I grew up with in Olympia, as part of the wave called the Baby Boom. I was devastated. I didn’t know a soul.

And I was just entering junior high. No pressure, right?

One of the first guys I met in my new hometown was Gary Kennedy. He and I remain friends to this day, even though we ran against each other for senior class president at R.A. Long High School.

The day after the election, I was called to the principal’s office and informed that I had lost the election … by nine votes.

If sports taught me nothing else, it was how to accept defeat with dignity.

Full disclosure: I do lament the loss at class reunions. After a few adult beverages, I take the stage and roar: “Which nine of you @#$%*#$%^!@%s cost me the election?”

It always gets a big laugh.

As one’s life moves along, you begin to understand that losing is a part of participating. You deal with it, do the right thing and move on to the next opportunity to win.

Unless your sorry ass is Donald Trump.

If you still cling to the notion that there’s a decent bone in his body, his latest petulant display—noted in the link below—proves beyond a shadow of doubt what a self-serving, horse’s butt he truly is.

I’ve always said that one of the best ways to get to know someone’s value system is to play a round of golf with them. I’ve also attached a link to a book that’s extremely telling in that regard.

To what extreme will Trump go for his next distraction—and damage to democracy?

God help us all.