Awards-Cancellation Feedback


In case you haven’t heard—or read the commentary in the SHOWCASE—this was the last year for both the MARKETING Awards and THE EVENT, after a highly successful seven-year run. You can read the reasoning by just clicking on the SHOWCASE cover above and turning to Page 3.

Melissa and I would like to thank the many participants in the Awards and THE EVENT who took the time to send their condolences and kind comments. Here’s a sampling, which concludes with a  communique from Kevin Nolan of Craters of the Moon, who also used the occasion to send along a photo of him and his new bride at Whistler Mountain on Rainbow Glacier. The samples:

• Peter Philips of Philips Publishing Group: “Our ad on the back cover (of the SHOWCASE) looks good. I’m sorry to see it’s on the last printed issue”!

Chuck Kusak of Kusak Cut Glass Works: “Ending on a High Note”… My how your colleagues admire you and your body of work. It’s clear you have made a remarkable difference in your professional field and made a true difference in the lives of so many. Bravo Larry, and Melissa, too. One does not become respected, unless one earns respect. It’s clear that you and Melissa have earned both the respect and the admiration of your professional community. It really does not get any better. With smiles and joy to you both.

 • Mark Anderson of Doubleknot Creative: “Of course I’m disappointed in this news, what a loss. You’ve done a stellar job of championing this for the entire Seattle marcomm community— thank you. What a helluva run you’ve had, and not just the past years, right? I know your efforts extend way back. I take my hat off to you, sir. This town is better off because of you. And Melissa’s contributions are to be admired, as well. Kudos to the both of you!

• Mark Monlux of Monlux Illustration: I had a big smile on my face when I saw the Awards SHOWCASE in the mail. I immediately leafed through it for a quick glance at all the excellent creative. I was thinking, look at all this great work. I’m so glad I could go to THE EVENT this year. And then I started to read your commentary and I went, “Aaaaaawwwwwww!” I want to thank you, Larry. THE EVENT was something special. And I’m very thankful you took the time to bring me into it and to share it with me. I’m going to miss it. For me it was ‘the’ place to be. It was full of class, great people and an evening presented with a level a quality that is rare. I’m so glad you made me a part of it. My thanks.

• Wendy Quesinberry of Quesinberry & Associates: “Thank you Larry and Melissa for your hard work, graciousness and amazing contributions to our industry. I’m sorry to see (the Awards and THE EVENT go), but I TOTALLY understand.”

Larry Asher of the School of Visual Concepts: As someone who’s been there, I want you to know what a heroic effort it’s been for you to produce the MARKETING Awards competition and THE EVENT year-after-year. The volunteers come and go. The entries come and go (mostly go!). The judges come and go. But you’ve been steady as a rock in your commitment to honor the good work being done in this community. We’ve both had the opportunity to be part of the marketing community during the years it’s gone through some pretty drastic transformations. Your presence—and the presence of THE EVENT—are among the things that have always provided the glue. Thanks for all you and Melissa do.

• Ellen Hiatt of Hiatt Studios: “I, too, am sorry to hear about the end of your awards program. I enjoyed THE EVENT very much last year and am sad to say I was one of those who said, “I have a website for next year!” I completely understand, though, and wish you the very best.”

• Ken Krass of Paradigm Communications Group: “I read your Page 3 commentary with interest and certainly understand your rationale in closing down the Awards and THE EVENT. We have looked forward each year to your gathering and the celebration of work well done. There are not nearly enough way to express appreciation and admiration these days, and THE EVENT helped fill the void. As my mother used to tell me, when someone pays you a compliment, don’t shrug it off. Be sure to acknowledge it, because you never know when the next compliment is going to come along. The MARKETING Awards have been a way to pay people a compliment—not ever something to be taken for granted.”

• Andy Rogers of Purdie Rogers: I was saddened by your announcement that you‘re ending THE EVENT and the MARKETING Awards. It makes winning two Big M’s all the sweeter! They proudly sit in our lobby. I wish you and Melissa much success with the next chapter. In the meantime, I’ll continue to check in at

• Kevin Nolan: I was very, very sad to learn of the demise of the MARKETING Awards and THE EVENT. We participated every year from the very beginning, took home the first Best of Show award and won at least one Big M in every show since. I understanding the reasoning behind your decision.

Kevin’s email also included this beautiful photo of him and his new bride, Laurie, on Rainbow Glacier at Whistler, where they were married on June 16. Laurie is a captain with Hawaiian Airlines. They’re splitting time between homes on Maui and in Cle Elum. During the recent Hawaiian hurricane, Kevin called in to his buddy Bill Wixey at Q13-TV, who put him on the air during several of the weather reports.

Again, we’re anxious to hear news about other marriages—and births—to share with the marcomm community.



  1. Larry, thanks to you and Melissa for the energy and passion you’ve invested for the many years in support of the different elements of the Pacific Northwest marketing industry. That world is indeed changing and your response makes a whole lot of sense. I’m looking forward to following your new direction with interest. My best wishes for continuing success along with a huge amount of personal satisfaction.

  2. I too am saddened by the departure of such an important Event for our community. We have had the good fortune of being recognized regularly at the annual gathering. In the beginning I felt we were relatively unknown – thanks to you Larry, Marketing NW and Melissa (and of course the judges), our stature has risen 10 fold. We’ve won 2 Best of Shows, 6 Big M’s, Silvers and Bronze. The Event will be missed as one of the few gatherings for our community. We will also miss the friendly faces we’ve been able to meet and see again each year.
    Thank you Larry, Melissa and all others who worked so hard to make it a very fun (and rewarding) time!

  3. I did my annual “Media Party of the Year” for 18 years. I finally cancelled it, which was a difficult decision for me, not because of lack of interest, but the media, both TV and radio, had completely changed. Changes of management, changes of rep’s, changes of broadcast ownership. Media had drastically changed and not for the better. Different people, different companies, different attitudes towards clients. My “Media Party of the Year” was probably the largest such media event in the country. I even expanded it to do two media parties in Central Washington and 3 media parties in Las Vegas. No more. They were a lot of fun, but life and advertising moves on.

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